Free goods are defined as those which are not scarce. Unlike economic goods, they are not traded in marketplaces because they exist in such abundance that everyone can enjoy them freely. No risk of the resource running out, no supply constraints to drive up prices. For years, textbooks have included sunlight, seawater, and clean air as examples of free goods. But given high levels of air pollution, both outdoor and indoor, that last example might just be a bit dated.
While air quality monitoring device price should ideally not be a concern, unfortunately, in today’s world, it is an essential factor to consider to make our homes, offices, and recreational spaces safe. As the once-free good of clean air becomes more and more scarce, finding ways to assess and improve the quality of our air has never been more critical.
This article is a guide to breaking down the air quality monitoring equipment price in India. Even in countries like the United States of America, where air quality regulations and their implementation are fairly stringent, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) highlights that there are no widely accepted indoor performance criteria for most air pollution monitors. Criteria and policies governing air quality monitoring device price in India are even more scarce. In such a situation, where the onus of maintaining indoor air quality (IAQ) falls largely on individuals, households, and organisations, a guide such as this one becomes even more important.
Before we dive in, we have to emphasise just how important monitoring IAQ is. Air sensor technology, like the kind employed to make carbon monoxide monitors and smoke detectors, has played a critical part in saving lives for years. These should be present in every indoor space, but not alone. The threat of mould, formaldehyde, radon, carbon dioxide, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and other air pollutants to human health cannot be overstated. Smoke and CO detectors should ideally be accompanied by air quality monitors that can also detect these other hazardous pollutants.
Thankfully, with time, air sensor tech has evolved, and we now have sensors that are smaller in size, more economical, and more accessible so that everyone can have an air quality monitor in their home or office. But with this increased accessibility comes the question of air quality monitoring device price…
What is air quality monitoring?
We’ll be discussing the factors affecting air quality monitoring device price in India soon, but before that – what even is air quality monitoring?
Air quality monitoring refers to the continuous measurement of certain atmospheric conditions and pollutant levels known as “criteria air pollutants”. Think moisture, particulate matter like PM2.5 and PM10, VOCs, carbon dioxide, asbestos, specific allergens, and more. Monitoring levels of all these pollutants indoors is essential to assess IAQ, identify pollution sources, and come up with countermeasures, including using appropriate air purifiers. Air quality inspections by trained professionals like certified IAQ inspectors or HVAC technicians can help determine pollutant levels in your indoor environment, but given the air quality monitoring device price in India, investing in a monitor is the most economical and effective way to get a regularly updated picture of the quality of air you are breathing.
Breaking things down: Air quality monitoring equipment price in India
As we’ve mentioned earlier, there are no widely accepted industry or governmental criteria to assess IAQ monitor performance. This means that when you have to decide if a particular indoor air quality monitoring device price is justified, you have to do the work of weighing costs against benefits yourself.
Here are a few factors that can help you assess if the air quality monitoring device price that you are shelling out is worth it.
- Type of air pollutants being tested
An indoor air quality monitor may be fitted with sensors to detect different types of pollutants like PM2.5, PM10, VOCs, CO, CO2, formaldehyde, radon, moisture, etc. In general, the more types of sensors there are, the more you will likely have to shell out for the monitor. For pollutants like carbon monoxide, however, it is often useful to get a dedicated monitor with highly sensitive sensors, considering how dangerous CO poisoning is and how quickly it can affect your health. - Accuracy of sensors
Nonetheless, the number of sensors in an air quality monitor is not as important as their accuracy. Wouldn’t you agree that an IAQ monitor that measures every pollutant under the sun, but provides dubious results, isn’t helpful at all? Who needs fake news, right? Even if a particular IAQ monitor offers fewer sensors, prioritise it if it offers high levels of accuracy. You may have to do some research to figure out sensor accuracy levels – you can look for sensor accuracy testing data from independent third parties, from the monitor manufacturer themselves, or even the manufacturer of the specific sensor. - The area that needs to be monitored
Indoor air quality monitoring equipment price in India also depends on the size of the room, home, office, or other space that needs to be monitored. If the area in question is relatively large, samples should ideally be collected from multiple strategically selected locations in the space. This allows you to get an accurate picture of air quality across the space. Naturally, more sensors will translate to a higher price. - Design
The technical aspects of IAQ monitors are not worth compromising on; they are must-haves. But there’s a nice-to-have that we would like to include in our list: human-centred design. Your air quality monitoring equipment will, after all, be used by you, your employees, teammates, relatives, or community members – you might as well make the experience seamless and efficient. We would place a premium on indoor air quality monitoring devices which are easy to use, display an air quality score which makes it easier to take remedial action, and have well-placed and designed screens to view air quality readings. A simple, easy-to-use data storage and management system is a cherry on the cake, making it easier to assess air quality trends using historical data.
A parting word
Before we say bye for now, we want to point out that customers often believe that the air quality monitoring device price in India and abroad has only two components: initial hardware costs and maybe a subscription to a data platform to manage the data collected by the monitor. In reality, however, there are certain additional costs that you should account for. Air quality sensors tend to stray away from accurate measurements over time; the solution to this unavoidable problem is regular sensor calibration or new sensor installation. This costs money, as does any other regular maintenance, data analysis, or unexpected repairs. Keep this in mind as you outline your clean air budget.
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